After reading the lovely “old-style” biography”  Tre Anime Luminose fra le nebbie nordiche. Le Sorelle Brontë (Windy Moors Vol. 1) (Italian Edition)by the Italian writer Giorgina Sonnino (read our review here!), we couldn’t miss the pleasure of reading also Sonnino’s second work published by flower-ed: “Il pensiero religioso di una poetessa inglese del secolo XIX. Emilia Giovanna Brontë”. It’s an essay written in 1904, published for the first time in the journal Nuova Antologia, and never been printed independently before 2015, when flower-ed decided to give us the chance to enjoy this special reading.

The essay faces an extremely difficult task: taking a short but intense journey into Emily Brontë’s inner life through her writings. Giorgina Sonnino refers to  Emily as an “English poetess”, and from her poems she starts to trace back her religious thought, investigating her inner world. Among the most relevant poems quoted,  impossible not to mention “No Coward Soul is Mine”, manifesto of a deeply human spirituality that is free from religious beliefs and rituals, bound to nature and its laws but – even so-  strong in the conviction of immortality.

In this essay Giorgina Sonnino includes Emily Brontë among those “superior souls” who had the strength to look for a meaning and a place in the universe; she traces the religious thought of a complex spirit with a  precise and detailed investigation that makes us proud of such a great work in a different time and in a different place, in an Italy that was totally different from Emily Brontë’s world.
