One of the books that kept us company in this cold pre-Christmas time is the Brontё family biography by the Italian author Giorgina Sonnino Tre Anime Luminose fra le nebbie nordiche. Le Sorelle Brontë (Windy Moors Vol. 1) (Italian Edition), written in 1903 and out of sale for years before flower-ed Edition decided to republish it in a delicate, plain edition. After reading every single page, we’re finally ready to add this biography to the library of our blog, and give our personal opinion about this lovely work that has very little to do with the cold and didactic style that many other biographies have.

The book comes to light after a century and, inevitably, the impact between the past and the present is quite strong. We must admit that getting used to the Italian translation of the Brontё family names wasn’t easy – the book tells us the story of Carlotta, Patrizio, Emilia and Anna, and the “k” included in the name “Heathkliff” seems to be a typing error rather than a stylistic choice- but “Italianizing” foreign names and words was a very serious and common habit in the past; foreign words were translated and, if not possible, modified in order to make the pronunciation easier for Italian readers. This habit belongs to a different time and it makes us smile today, but changing our reading lenses in order to fit an “old-style” perspective is part of the pleasure that this biography offers.
What’s also very pleasant in Giorgia Sonnino’s book, is the clear and simple manner she uses to tell every Brontё story- in this peculiar biography in fact, there is no boring display of information but each line conceals the strong interest of the author who draws the reader into the lives of these real characters, which are almost depicted as the protagonists of the most fascinating novel.

We really enjoyed this book, which is part of the very little Italian material written on the Brontё sisters’ lives, and flower-ed did an amazing job recovering it. This is an interesting book for all those who want to know more about the Brontё family by reading a pleasant and fascinating book- best to be enjoyed on a cold winter night, while having a hot cuppa!

If this book isn’t in your Brontё collection yet, buy it now following the link below. It’s available on Amazon and can be yours just with one click!
