Two objects for Emily Brontë’s bicentenary- July 30th 2018

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To celebrate Emily Brontë’s bicentenary we got inspired by the amazing exhibition Making Thunder Roar, and we have decided to tell you about two objects that belonged to Emily. We chose these objects among those we have seen during our visits at the Brontë Parsonage Museum in Haworth.  Serena: What does Emily mean to you? Last time we went to Haworth …

Making Thunder Roar- Emily’s bicentenary at the Brontë Parsonage Museum

Making Thunder Roar Pin it

This year at the Brontë Parsonage Museum we enjoyed a very special exhibition entirely dedicated to Emily and entitled Making Thunder Roar. The name was inspired by Virginia Woolf‘s essay The Common Reader (1916), where Woolf writes about Emily: “Hers, then, is the rarest of all powers. She could free life from its dependence on facts; with a few touches indicate …

From Emily’s Drawers: Birthday Notes

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“How little we know what we are How less what we may be” These words were written by Anne in a letter for Emily’s birthday on July 30th, 1841– 174 years ago. Back then, she was working for the Robinsons and on her sister’s birthday she was far from her and from the Parsonage. In …