Charlotte Brontë’s 200th birthday is getting closer and closer, and lots of amazing surprises await the Italian readers. The first one is “Storie di Geni e di Fate”, a collection of tales by a young Charlotte, translated and curated by Professor Maddalena De Leo, representative of the Bs in Italy, and just released by L’Argolibro Editore. The tales are inspired by the famous “Young Men”, the twelve wooden soldiers that Reverend Patrick gave to Branwell and which inspired the wild imagination of the young Brontë siblings, who wrote astonishingly complex stories rich in detail about them.

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Inside this collection we can find “The Search after Happiness”, “An adventure in Ireland” and “The Adventures of Ernest Alembert” in both English and Italian.

If you want to read it, just follow the link of the publishing at the bottom of this article and purchase your copy.

The Sisters’ Room can’t wait to read it!!!
